The Program

Calendar of events for Congress 2014

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Datesort descending Time Event Open to Add to calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Sociological Association Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Plaything General public Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Theological Society Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) A loft General public Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Inspiring images: Landscapes, objects, people General public Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Historical Association Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 26
7:30 to 17:00
Congress Registration Desk All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
7:30 to 20:00
Exhibit - 1814: The incredible year General public Add to your calendar
May 26
7:45 to 8:55
The borders between life and death: Stories of the supernatural and uncanny among Canada’s Great War soldiers (Tim Cook) General public Add to your calendar
May 26
8:30 to 9:45
Another way of thinking about the uses of Applied Linguistics: The case for open access to research General public Add to your calendar
May 26
9:00 to 10:30
Italians abroad in the sixteenth century All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
9:00 to 10:30
Brave new world: Digital publishing, reach, and tracking impact General public Add to your calendar
May 26
9:00 to 12:00
The Datascapes project General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:00 to 19:00
Congress Expo General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:00 to 13:00
Storytellers showcase General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:00 to 12:00
Collaboration among food stakeholders All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
10:00 to 18:00
Digital Humanities MakerBus presents The Humanities Matter at Congress 2014 General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:30 to 12:00
Translating contexts of Indigeneity: Contesting representations, imaginaries, and realities General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:30 to 12:00
The future of the humanities PhD roundtable General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:30 to 11:45
Can we do better than our better stories? Narrative and its queer affects General public Add to your calendar
May 26
10:45 to 12:15
What is the purpose of art in the face of human suffering? All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
11:00 to 12:30
Transnationalism, cosmopolitanism and new forms of literary engagement in contemporary German-language writing General public Add to your calendar
May 26
12:00 to 14:00
Guided tour and conversation in French of the Rodman Hall Art Gallery General public Add to your calendar
May 26
12:15 to 13:20
“Servitude and Grandeur” of the University (Lise Bissonnette) General public Add to your calendar
May 26
12:30 to 13:30
John Porter tradition of excellence book award lecture General public Add to your calendar
May 26
13:15 to 14:10
Revitalizing Aboriginal languages General public Add to your calendar
May 26
13:15 to 14:45
The nuances of Blackness and/in the Canadian academy General public Add to your calendar
May 26
13:30 to 14:30
The annual CTS Jay Newman Memorial Lecture in the Philosophy of Religion General public Add to your calendar
May 26
13:30 to 14:45
ACCUTE Past Presidents plenary panel – Back to the future All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
14:00 to 15:00
Kenneth O. May Lecture - John Napier, his life and work General public Add to your calendar
May 26
14:30 to 16:00
Life after graduation: Preparing for a career after grad school or post-doctoral research General public Add to your calendar
May 26
14:30 to 16:00
Aboriginal Roundtable General public Add to your calendar
May 26
14:30 to 16:00
Find work and let work find you: Advanced LinkedIn strategies General public Add to your calendar
May 26
15:30 to 17:00
Feminist sociologies of care, work, and families in Canada: Histories, stories, and new challenges General public Add to your calendar
May 26
16:00 to 17:00
Connect with the Federation: Wine and cheese reception General public Add to your calendar
May 26
16:30 to 17:30
Poetry without borders: Paul Savoie reads from his "Bleu bémol" anthology All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
17:00 to 19:00
President's reception - May 26 All registered Congress attendees Add to your calendar
May 26
17:00 to 18:00
Thinkers beyond boundaries - On Medicare and medicine chests: Indian hospitals and the construction of national health in post-war Canada General public Add to your calendar
May 26
17:00 to 18:00
Food, fat, morality, and mortality: Collaborating toward justice General public Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) Conference of the Film Studies Association of Canada Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) The source: Rethinking water through contemporary art General public Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) Conference of the Canadian Applied Literature Association Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) Conference of the Society for Socialist Studies Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) and all watched over by machines of loving grace General public Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) and all watched over by machines of loving grace General public Add to your calendar
May 27 (All day) Conference of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada Registered attendees of the association Add to your calendar
