The Program

The program


More than 70 different scholarly associations will be holding their own annual conferences at Congress 2014. Some of these conferences will overlap and some won’t, but every conference is sure to bring together the best of research and ideas in that discipline.

Congress programming

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and Brock University organize a number of special events during Congress including the Big Thinking speaker series, Career Corner, Expo, Federation wine and cheese receptions, and President’s receptions.

Association conferences

Each scholarly association puts together its own conference program. Program information for each association’s conference will be posted online as it becomes available.

Online calendar

Many associations also choose to make a few of their sessions open to a wider audience, in order to feature work being done in their discipline or to encourage interdisciplinary discussions. You can also browse the online calendar for a listing of events that are open to all attendees and the public.

  • Perform a simple search by entering keywords such as the name or acronym of the host association
  • Click on Advanced Search to narrow your results by fields such as Date or Series.
  • To find the program for your association, search for the association’s conference in the calendar and open that event for details about the conference including a PDF of the program.

Open events listed in the calendar are a great opportunity to meet with scholars from other fields and to gain a truly interdisciplinary experience at Congress.

Note: Each association is responsible for compiling its own program. Not all events from these programs are reflected in the online calendar, so be sure to look up your association’s program here.

Registration access levels

What you register for determines which events you may attend. There are three access levels of registration

  1. Pay the Congress fee and Association conference fee(s)
  2. Pay the Congress fee only
  3. Registration not required (general public)

If you register, you will receive an official access badge that indicates your registration level. This badge is mandatory for all events that are not open to the general public. If you do not register, you will not receive an official access badge.

What events can I attend?

What I paid for vs. What events I can attend


Events in the online calendar that are marked open to:

General public

Events in the online calendar that are marked open to:

All registered Congress attendees

Events in the online calendar that are marked open to:

Registered attendees of this association

I paid the Congress fee and my association conference fee(s)




I paid the Congress fee only




I did not register




*Association access is related to the specific association(s) that you registered and paid for.


If you have registered for one or more association conferences, in addition to your Congress registration, you may attend the association conferences for which you have registered and paid for, as well as any events open to all registered Congress attendees and all events open to the general public.

If you have registered only as a Congress attendee, and have indicated you will not be attending any association conferences, you may attend events that are open to all registered Congress attendees and all events open to the general public.

If you are not registered for Congress 2014, you may attend only those events that are designated as open to the general public in the online calendar of events. This includes the Big Thinking lecture series, Career Corner sessions, Congress Expo, and a number of other events.

See the FAQs for more information.